Monday, February 18, 2013


Okay we've stopped driving and we're hiding in a motel. Now that we're far away from the man without a face the private investigator started explaining what was happening. He started off by saying that he worked for some weird government agency and that his designated name is Agent Big Bad Wolf and his partner is Agent Red Riding Hood.

Weird I know, but that's not what's really important, what he told me after.

"That thing that attacked you is the Slender Man, or the Jabberwock as the organization I work for calls it. It is one of The Guardians of Wonderland, abominations that toy with humans and destroy their lives to further their goals. Before I joined Wonderland Core I was hunted by one of them like you..."  

"This... entire situation seems like a really bad dream." I responded to him

"I wish it was."

"So... What do they want from me?" I asked.

"I have no clue. All I know is that it's so important that The Duchess and The Unicorn are working together to have you killed."

Despite the nature of what he was saying I couldn't help but laugh at those ridiculous names.

I need to get in contact with Poet before the Guardians get to her and the only way I'm going to be able to do that is to ditch these agents. And pray that the Guardians don't get me first.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

On the run

I'll need to rush through writing this, there's no telling how long until that thing comes back. I'm just going to post this and get the fuck out of here!

I was walking through that park I mentioned in my second post, for one last moment of nostalgic in it before it is taken down. That's when the leaves turned back and the man without a face appeared. It was hard to see what he was at first, he looked just like a tree in the middle of the forest. But then I saw his face, or more accurately his lack of a face.

As soon as I saw it I bolted and he followed. For inch I ran, he walked two. As I examined him from ground I noticed he had no feet. He merely rooted himself into the ground.

"Dola picked such a pathetic contestant. If this is the best you can do, then the girl is probably dead by now..." The man without a face said.

I thought I was done when a bullet went through the faceless man's shoulder. I didn't take the time to see who shot him, I just started running again. I ran until the leaves went back to normal and I was in my apartment building. When I got to my room I found that private investigator guy and some chick gathering my stuff.

"What the f-" I attempted to say.

"There's no time for explain, just start packing!" The investigator said.

"Hell no, I want an explanation from you right now!"

"How about you repay me for saving your life from the Jabberwock instead!"

"Tha- That was you?"

"Yes now start packing."

I protested some more until his girlfriend pulled out a gun on me. It took a lot of time to convince her to let me write this but if I'm going to die I want to make sure everyone knows what happened to. But hopefully that won't be the case...

Oh crap, I forgot about Poet!


Memphis seems to have had a dream involving a bunch of things. Ra called those fears or "Guardians of Wonderland".

Apparently her official name is not Ra, but Agent Little Match Girl. She talked to me a bit about Memphis. She creeps me out if I may say so. She works for an organization called Wonderland Core.

I'm not sure why she is here with me or what that has to do with anything.

I wish Memphis would just be able to read my posts, he'd understand...he'd know about it.
I want to warn him.

But I ca

Friday, February 1, 2013


Poet says it was just a dream but I know it isn't. That was far too real. I need... I need to write it down before I forget. I found myself in a large field, with no one in sight for miles besides him, the man in gray. As he looked at his pocket watch he pointed directly at me and

"Follow me child" He said. "Follow me into the rabbit hole..."

I had no choice in the matter, my legs moved on their own and followed the man out into the forest. We stopped at the edge of the wilderness. As we entered their meeting ground we found the March Hare, the Dormouse, and Mad Hatter all sitting at their large table covered with the most delicious looking food anyone could imagine. Not that they needed it of course, it merely acted as a distraction, to make me think that they were less threatening.

"How dare you bring a human into my realm White Rabbit!" The Hare screamed. "You have-"

"I have done nothing that you have not done in the past Morpheus." The man in gray said.

"Let him speak Morpheus. Obviously he has brought us an important piece." The Dormouse said as he pointed at me with his fingers made of thorns.

"Indeed. This is your new champion."

At this point the Hatter got up from his chair and with the aid of his cane walked up to me. He examined my body and then he looked at the man in gray. Bugs started pouring out from his eyeholes and as they landed on the ground they started piling on top of one another and started forming words.

"I assume that you and Isalein have found your champion as well."

"Of course." The man in gray said.

"Then let the trials begin."

As I looked into the Hatter's eyeholes the forest disappeared and I found myself back home.