Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Duchess

Turns out I'm going to have to update this blog sooner than I thought. Somehow, even with all of the military protection I have, one of the Fears broke into the Wonderland Core facility I've been ever since my hiatus started. Or at least I think it broke in. It's kind of hard to explain...

I was brushing my teeth when I noticed the woman with long orange hair laying down in my bed.

"What the- How did...?"

"Hello Mister Morrow. It is a pleasure to see you yet again." She said as if barging into my room was normal.

"Wait... You're that girl in the blue dress that was playing chess at the apartment lobby during Christmas."

"A girl? Hardly Mister Morrow. I am The Vision, the Fear of destiny and the inevitable. Or as these pesky Wonderland Core agents call me, The Duchess."

"You're the Duchess.? To be honest I was kind of expecting the Fear of destiny to look... a lot older "

"Many people do." She responded.

"Anyway... What the hell are you doing here?"

"That's just it Mister Morrow. I'm not here."

"I don't follow."

"Of course you don't my little Scion..."

"Scion?" I asked.

"You see Memphis, you and your "girlfriend" are part of a game. I can't explain the purpose of the game or what the rules are but I can explain one thing. Before the game can begin two Fears must sacrifice their power and give it to two humans. Said humans are then hunted down by one side and are protected by the other. And this year it was my turn to sacrifice a bit of my power..."

"You... You gave me your powers."

"An incredibly small bit of it, but yes I did. You see by looking into someone's eyes, I can transfer a small fragment of my mind into their subconscious. Which is what I did to you the first time we met my little Scion. By doing this I can communicate to you at all times. Even when you're under the protection of Wonderland Core."

"So you're just an illusion?"

"In a sense..." She answered. "However, not even Wonderland Core can keep you from me for long. It won't be long until you are free from their grasp and I can finally regain the fragment of my mind within you."

"If you want it so bad then why did you give it to me in the first place?"

"Because it is part of the game Mister Morrow." The Vision said as she slowly disappeared.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of not knowing what the fuck this game is all about.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Back from hatius

Sorry for being gone for so long, these damn Wonderland Core agents haven't allowed me to blog since my last update. Apparently despite what the "Wonderland Core" post would suggest they are very secretive, which has caused rumors of a traitor uploading that post so hiding from public view is harder for Wonderland Core.

Nothing much as happened recently, what with them keeping me hidden for months but I do have some good news. First off agent Red Riding Hood messed around with my computer and I can see all of Poet's post, that were originally hidden from me by something Wonderland Core calls "a Perception Filter."

Also the last post Poet made, confirmed that she was alive which means joining up with these agents wasn't a total loss. But if that part of her last part signed off by that X person is any indication, she's in a lot of trouble so we really need to hurry up and help her. Which is freaking impossible at the moment.

I can't get to Poet's location no matter how hard I try. You see she's trapped in this sentient alternate dimension called Wonderland (anyone else noticing a trend with all these Alice in Wonderland names?) and apparently this dimension refuses to let me enter it for some reason. For some reason Wonderland Core agents can get there just fine with some sort of teleportation technology but I can't.

Every single time we've tried I just wind up back here and that's not even the worst part. You see that last time we attempted it, strange graffiti appeared on the walls with absolutely no explanation. One minute there's no graffiti and a second later it's covering everything.

And here's what it said before it disappeared:

"Memphis Morrow is not allowed to enter the city, as it would break rule # 9 of the game. If you attempt to send him into it again, you will all be punished."

In other words there's no way I can help Poet. I'll make sure to update you guys on the situation as soon as something starts happening again.        

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm not certain what is happening, but Little Match Girl left me here and I passed out. I only just now woke up and the blog doesn't mention where Memphis is >_<


That is the point my dear, that is the point ~X