Wednesday, January 2, 2013

She's safe

I'm so goddamn happy right now! You see a few days ago Poet's mom came to me asking where the Poet was. I was confused at first since I was pretty sure she was at a meeting with Robert. Then Poet's mom said she she never heard of anyone called Robert.

I called the police and they couldn't find Robert or Poet anywhere in his office building. I expected the worst when Poet was found wandering in the woods with Robert. According to her she has been wanting to use fictionalized versions of the areas in the city for her new book, so Robert drove her around from location to location.

Part of me wants to yell at Poet for being so selfish and not telling anyone before she left but I'm too happy to see her safe that I don't care.

1 comment:

  1. The obvious mistake aside, I think it's becoming obvious how much you love her. Whether that love is friendly or romantic is still a mystery.
