Friday, March 29, 2013


According to Red Riding Hood we were close to our designation, and that the safe house was in Alaska. It feels weird coming back to home country again. You see while I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, I was born in New York city and lived there for thirteen years until my family had to move to Nova Scotia because of my dad's job. The last time I came here was to join the war in Afghanistan 

Anyway I'm rambling. Me explaining why I became a U.S. Marine isn't why I'm writing this.

During the drive to Alaska Red Riding Hood explained more about the Guardians of Wonderland, or Fears as they're normally called. Apparently they're a pantheon of eldritch abominations that terrorize humanity and me and Poet are apart of some "game" of theirs. Which sort of explains that dream I had awhile ago. They know full well how dangerous these things are and yet they keep on talking about how they're going to "control them."

"Don't worry Memphis, a squad was sent to escort Poet to our base as we speak" Red said to me.

That didn't comfort me though, if anything I felt worse because she could be attacked and I would have no way of knowing.

"Sir there's a woman in front of the road, what should I do?" Our driver asked Wolf.

I looked out the window and to my utter shock I saw Poet standing right in front of of our truck. I took my change to escape and pushed Red out of my way and jumped out the truck.

"Memphis wait!" Red yelled.

I ignored her of course, getting Poet away from these psychopathy's was all the mattered. She hugged me extremely tightly as soon as I got to her.  

"Dear god, I thought I would never see you again Memphis."

"Get away from that thing Memphis!" Wolf screamed. "That isn't Poet!"

"What are you talking about of course I'm Poet." Poet defended herself

"Memphis, that thing is one of them! It's one of the Guardians of Wonderland." Red said.

Before I could process what to do, and to decide which to trust, a bullet went straight through Poet's head. Instead of blood, large chunks of some sort of brown liquid started pouring out from Poet's head. Or more accurately it's head. The shooter was surprisingly not one of the Wonderland Core agents and instead it was a woman on the other side of the road, wearing a pink ski race suit and had a Colt M1911 pistol.

"Dammit, I was hoping that I could do this without any confrontation but that ship has passed" It said as it placed a knife to my throat.

"It's nice to see that you're as foolish as always None." The women in the ski race suit said.

"Well if it isn't the Shining One! I suggest leaving before Aqualung gets her sweety. After all Dying Man shards aren't allowed in this game for being far too numerous. "

"While we are usually willing to stay on the side lines for your stupid fight, Poet and Memphis are far too valuable to allow you to kill them."

The Shining One then shot None in the hand, giving me enough time to escape and get back into the truck. In a last ditch effort to get us None latched onto my door and started smashing the windows. However one quick kick to the stomach from Red fixed that problem and we drove off as fast as possible.    

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