Monday, September 9, 2013

The Rules of the Power Struggle

Rule # 1: The gods shall choose two lovers as champions, who they will either assist or oppose.

Rule # 2: The female shall be placed in the Empty City and the male shall remain in the human world to ensure they do not interfere with the process of the game.

Rule # 3: The female shall remain in the Empty City until she manages to find a way to escape by herself. 

Rule # 4: The male is not allowed to enter the Empty City under any circumstances.

Rule # 5: Despite a certain group of gods fighting on the side of a single champion, there are no sides. All the Fears opposing one other for the same prize.

Rule # 6: Two gods will be selected and will be give a small portion of their power to the champions, whether they are opposing or aiding them.

Rule # 7: Dying Man shards are not allowed to be part of the game as they are far too numerous,
giving them an unfair advantage.

Rule # 8: The Eye shall maintain order in the game and prevent any form of cheating.

Rule # 9: Gods are not allowed to steal the fraction of power given to their champion.

Rule # 10: Wonderland Core is not allowed to -

Sorry children, but you're not getting that last rule from me just yet. We'll keep in touch ~X

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A history lesson

Sorry for being gone for so long, I've just had a lot to think about recently.

You see, the Forest explained the history of the game in... Very disturbing detail. I don't really understand most of it, but from what I can tell what's happening to me and Poet is merely a single portion of it called "The Power Struggle." Apparently eons before Earth was even formed the Fears were not limited in the things they were allowed to do. They abused their power and were incapable of comprehending what death was.

Which all changed when "The Executioner" arrived.  

It was a greedy, power hungry entity that didn't see why he had to share with his brothers and sisters. So he stole their territory, he destroyed their subjects and he stole their strength. In an effort to finally defeat him, "The White Rabbit" and "The Duchess" attempted to send him into another reality known as the Cage. But even with their combined forces, the Executioner was too much for them.

He ripped their prison apart and nearly killed them. If it hadn't been for his arrogance, perhaps he might have succeeded.

For the destruction of the Cage inadvertently created "The Red King."    

It "swallowed" the Executioner whole and almost destroyed the entire universe, until the gods managed to push it back. For the first time in their existence, the gods tasted their mortality. So they devised Power Struggle as a method to keep one another in check and to ensure that none of them would become too powerful.

I have to go now... The Forest says I have to return.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day four of the forest

For the past four days I've been traveling through the forest, only stopping occasionally for rest and to hunting for food. Most of the animals I caught were rabbits or squirrels until yesterday, when I saw a "goat" easting the leaves off of a bush. I can't really explain why, but I suddenly became uncontrollably hungry when I saw it, even though I had eaten something moments before.

So I took out the makeshift spear I had created during my second day in the forest, and prepared to take my prize. As I approached the bush, I accidently stepped on a, alerting the "goat" of my presence. By now you've probably guessed that all those quotation marks that "goat" was fucked up somehow, so let me just come out and explain what it really was. 

Its "head" was actually attacked onto it's body with stitches, and blood was dripping from the neck as if it was a recent wound. Aside from that, the rest of it looked like a naked human male who hadn't eaten in years. Despite that, it ran away at an incredible speed, and with its absence my hunger started to fade. 

"Sorry about that," A voice from within the forest said. "The Wendigo doesn't have a domain of his own, so he travels throughout the Gods domains for protect."

"Who's there?!" I exclaimed as I prepared to attack. "Show yourself."

"Oh, but I already have. You see, I am this entire forest, and every single living plant within it."

The ground started to shake uncontrollably, and the trees in front of me started moving out of the way. Now that they were gone I could see two figures sitting at the dinning table I saw in my dreams months before me and Poet got involved with the Fears. I immediately recognized the Plague Doctor, but the other one was someone I had never seen.
They were dressed in a black suit and their face was covered by a gray mask that resembled a wolf. In one hand he held a cane and in the other he held a cup of tea. Judging by the encounter I had with the Plague Doctor in my dream, I pieced together that the forest was the man made of thorns and the man in the wolf mask was the hare.

"Please, take a seat Mister Memphis," The forests voice echoed. "We have much to explain." 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Jesus Christ, I never imagined that the Blind Man's prediction would have led to what happened yesterday. The Wonderland Core scientists attempted to gain entrance to the Empty City again, and by some miracle they managed to open a portal into it. When they brought me to it I almost cried, but our sudden stroke of luck was short lived.

As I approached the portal, the faceless abomination that attacked a few months ago appeared on the other side. It stood there for about a minute before it jumped into the portal and was transported into the facility. As it started tearing people apart with the branches coming out from his back, more monsters entered the facility and attacked everything.

As I attempted to make a run for it a feminine creature made out of wood wrapped strings around me, making it impossible for me to move an inch.

"Sorry sunshine" The creature made of wood said. "But so long as you have that tasty fraction of the Vision's power, you aren't going anywhere."

I was moments away from being killed when a man in a gas mask started shooting her with a sniper rifle. This distracted her long enough for her grip on me to loosen and allowed me to escape.

"You idiot, I had every right to claim him!"

"And I had every right to stop you, you pathetic excuse for a figurehead."

The Fears were now less concerned with killing me and focused all their attention on fighting one another. Before I took the chance to think things over, I ran towards the portal and jumped straight into it. But instead of ending up in the Empty City, I was transported somewhere else.

From the looks of it, this place is some sort of endless forest with absolutely no life in it. I don't have high hopes on escaping this place but if there's a chance of getting to Poet I have to keep moving. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

So little time

As happy as I am that Poet is still alive, I can't really focus on that right now. According to the Blind Man, or whatever his real name is, I only have eight days to find a way to escape this facility before the Fears little game starts. I've been here for five months now and the only place I really know is my room.       

I'm always blindfolded by an agent when I have to eat or when I'm brought to someone that wants to interrogate me, so I have next to no knowledge about this place. I've been begging the Vision to tell me how to control my powers, but even when I offered to become her servant she refused.

"I'm sorry my little Scion, but the Fears aren't not allowed to give champions unfair advantages outside of preventing other Fears from killing them. Besides, you would just use my power to betray me and save your girlfriend."

"For the last time we aren't the star crossed lovers you and the rest of the Fears are making us out to be. We're friends that live with one another as roommates, nothing more."

"Yes, that must be why you have to defend yourself whenever I hint at you two being closer than you want to admit. Face it Romeo, you're obviously in love with her and it's obvious to just about everyone but yourself. Even Poet is aware of your crush by the looks of all that blushing emoticons she used in her last post."

"Why are you even talking to me about this? You're one of the Fears opposing me after all."

"And that's supposed to mean I can't talk to you until the game starts? You should really focus on more important matters my little Scion."

"Stop calling me that already!"

"Must I really remind you that you are in no position to demand anything again?"

Looks like I'm going to have to find a way out of here own...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Talk with an aged god

I'm sorry for not reporting in such a long time...I just didn't feel like it. That agent girl left, like I said before but also fake!Memphis, leaving me all alone in this wasteland of a city for what seems like a year, but I think its more closer to a month or two in reality. Around what I think was July, I met a man wandering this empty city. He was really old and disoriented for the most part. From the looks of his shaded glasses & stick, it appeared like was blind.

"Mister?" I asked, being really relieved to be able to talk to someone again.

"Yes...why hello there Poet" he said and turned into my direction.

"You know my name?"

"Of course...In fact there is not a single thing I don't know"

"Alright, so can you explain this situation then?"

"It's a game, my dear. See, we the gods, fears, abominations...whatever you want to call us, tend to remain in a constant fight. There are no sides, just in order to keep calm between us all, we invented this game as a sort of distraction.

"So what is the game?"

"Well young maiden. We pick two lovers that are chosen to be champions. Some oppose one of the champions others help. The game then starts August 27th, 2013. This is simply pre-planning"

I looked at him confused, since I wasn't understanding any of this.

"But...Memphis and I aren't lovers!"

He looked at me and with his crisp, yet deep voice answered me.

"You say that...but yet, all-knowing god say otherwise. So that means that it's likely that you're acclaim is simply untrue or you have not acknowledged it as such yet"

My face blushed instantly. It was lucky that he was blind, otherwise he'd see it  >////<

"My name's Blind Man or Sam if you prefer. Wonderland calls me The Aged Aged Man, but I've never liked their nonsense naming system. But I'm here, at your service young maiden"

"So, you are on my side?"

"Yes, usually I remain as an observer. A neutral party along with the empty city, which we are currently standing in"

"Oh...why take a side now?"

"Times are changing maiden...There's a certain variable that is threatening even me. And I foresee if I don't step in, I will perish"

"But you are a god, what do you have to fear?" I asked.

He faced down and sighed.

"Everything, my dear...everything"

He then slowly walked away from me, after double tapping the ground with his stick. In a few moments a house formed around me, fully furnished with beds, food and everything.

I guess I'll have a place to sleep tonight.
But I don't like the sound of this game.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Duchess

Turns out I'm going to have to update this blog sooner than I thought. Somehow, even with all of the military protection I have, one of the Fears broke into the Wonderland Core facility I've been ever since my hiatus started. Or at least I think it broke in. It's kind of hard to explain...

I was brushing my teeth when I noticed the woman with long orange hair laying down in my bed.

"What the- How did...?"

"Hello Mister Morrow. It is a pleasure to see you yet again." She said as if barging into my room was normal.

"Wait... You're that girl in the blue dress that was playing chess at the apartment lobby during Christmas."

"A girl? Hardly Mister Morrow. I am The Vision, the Fear of destiny and the inevitable. Or as these pesky Wonderland Core agents call me, The Duchess."

"You're the Duchess.? To be honest I was kind of expecting the Fear of destiny to look... a lot older "

"Many people do." She responded.

"Anyway... What the hell are you doing here?"

"That's just it Mister Morrow. I'm not here."

"I don't follow."

"Of course you don't my little Scion..."

"Scion?" I asked.

"You see Memphis, you and your "girlfriend" are part of a game. I can't explain the purpose of the game or what the rules are but I can explain one thing. Before the game can begin two Fears must sacrifice their power and give it to two humans. Said humans are then hunted down by one side and are protected by the other. And this year it was my turn to sacrifice a bit of my power..."

"You... You gave me your powers."

"An incredibly small bit of it, but yes I did. You see by looking into someone's eyes, I can transfer a small fragment of my mind into their subconscious. Which is what I did to you the first time we met my little Scion. By doing this I can communicate to you at all times. Even when you're under the protection of Wonderland Core."

"So you're just an illusion?"

"In a sense..." She answered. "However, not even Wonderland Core can keep you from me for long. It won't be long until you are free from their grasp and I can finally regain the fragment of my mind within you."

"If you want it so bad then why did you give it to me in the first place?"

"Because it is part of the game Mister Morrow." The Vision said as she slowly disappeared.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of not knowing what the fuck this game is all about.